
What a wonderful life, we have in him!!!

Heb 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Faith is the confident assurance that what we hope for is there. If you are standing near a woman who is 2 weeks pregnant & you say she isn’t pregnant because you can’t see the baby, the woman will call you a mad man. Ever before the stomach got big, the baby was there, the stomach got big because the baby grew inside. At the fullness of time, the baby will be born. The same thing applies with whatever you desire. Conceive it inside first. Then speak it into existence. At first you may think nothing happened but in the spirit realm, a seed has been planted. You keep on speaking that thing into being. Keep saying it. Don’t stop talking it. At d fullness of time, it will come forth. Is it healing, success or prosperity, see it with your eyes of faith. Then call it forth