2 Peter 1:4
4 by which have been given to us exceedingly great and
precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine
nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
The expression “divine nature” derives from the Greek “theos
phusis,” which literally means an association of the “godkind” just as you
would say, mankind.1 cor 6:17 says “he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit.”We
are partners, comrades and associates of the god-kind.This is Christianity.That
God would bring man into union with Himself, and bring us into His class of
being.No wonder the bible says ”Ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high”.
Furthermore,the root word for” partakers” is “koinonos.”It
means associates, comrades, partners or sharers.Our opening text therefore
means you are an associate of the godkind;you are in fraternity with
divinity.It means you have been born into Gods class with His nature and
character in your spirit.You have been translated from the ordinary realm of
mankind to the supernatural class of the Godkind.You’re in vital union with
divinity;its an inseperable oneness.Now you can better appreciate the word that
says you are superior to satan and have dominion over the forces of
darkness.Its the result of your fraternity with deity.The religious minds cant
accept this kind of thought,but this is Gods dream for you,not when you get to
heaven,but in the now.Its something He already made possible and available in
Christ.1 cor 1:9 says God is faithful by whom ye were called unto the
fellowship of His son Jesus Christ Our Lord.What an honour.This is what the
gospel of Christ has made us.You have been brought into the unity of spirits
with the Father,the Son and the Holy Ghost.Its an association of the God-kind.
Therefore your confession ought to be ”im an associate of
the Godkind,having been made free of the corrupting influences,decadence and
destruction in the world.The miracle life of God is at work in
me,therefore,today and always,I live the victorious life of glory and success
that God has given me in Christ Jesus.Amen”