
An Article on Thanksgiving

Hab 3:17-18
17 Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls:18 Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.KJV
Even as the year draws to a close,most folks look at the days gone by and wonder if there is any reason to say thank you to God.This has been the norm for so long a time.People make resolutions at the beginning of the year,maybe to stop a particular habit but at the end of the year,they are in a much worse state than they were at the beginning.I was watching the news the other day and I saw a guy who was being interviewed at the beginning of the year and he said he was gonna quit smoking that year.But here he was still smoking.When asked,he said it was because of the circumstance of life that had come his way in the year and he had to look to his cigar for comfort.Well consider the thought  the profet habakuk is communicating.He says even though things are as bad as can be, I will rejoice in thee oh God.Sometimes we are so caught back in our setbacks and disappointments of the things we couldn’t achieve that we totally ignore the ones that we did.
You didn’t get a job this year,but you never went hungry.You forget that there are people in this world whom to eat is a daily issue.Your didn’t get a playstation 3 but you forget that there are people who don’t even have the hands to hold the pad.Your mum didn’t prepare your favourite meal,and now you are angry.But you forget that there are people in the hospital who have lost their sense of taste and are feeding through their nostrils.You didn’t get the nike mercurial soccer shoes,rather you got angry and disappointed and now you want to kill everybody.Well if you are angry,I suggest you go break the sky.You didn’t get the latest Mary kay cosmetic kit and the latest Gucci handbag,and youre countenance is marred because now you cant impress the girls and feel among as well as attract the attention of that boy,who as a matter of fact,doesn’t even care about your existence.You graduated from university with a third class result and you are wondering why should I thank God.But you forgot that classmate of yours who was on a first class and today,he is no more.Do you think It is by your ability that you have gotten this far?No my brother,No my sister.It is by the Lords mercies that you haven’t been consumed.MANY TIMES,OUR SPIRITUAL PROMOTIONS DONT COME FROM VERY BIG AND COMPLEX ISSUES THAT WE THANK GOD FOR,BUT FROM THE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HIS HAND IN THE SMALL VICTORIES WE ARE GRANTED DAILY.So get a piece of paper and a pen and begin to write all the things God has done for you this year and as you begin to count your blessings,it will indeed surprise you what the Lord has done.
                                                                                                                     PROFET ABUA