
Dead to sin

Romans 6:2 God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?

What does it mean to be dead to sin? While growing up in the things of Christ, I have often heard this statement, and I kept on wondering what it means to be dead to sin, and the lord revealed what it means to me.

The Greek word for “sin” in this scripture is “hamartia” and it’s a noun and also another word for sin is hamartanō”and it’s a verb. The difference between hamartia and hamartanō is that hamartia is “the imputation, penalty and condemnation of sin” while hamartano is “sinful actions and deeds”

The word sin (the verb) appeared only once in the book of Romans and that is Romans6:15, the remaining part you find sin is the noun hamatia.

We are not dead to sinful actions or deeds; we are dead to the condemnation of our sins. Jesus took our place of condemnation and gave us his righteousness.

John 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me (KJV)

Note that the word “men” is in italics, in the original the word men isn’t there.

John 12:32 And I, if I be raised up high from the earth, I will draw all to myself. (ABP)

The previous verse before vs32 was talking about the judgment of the world. In order words in vs32, Jesus is saying when he’d be raised high on the cross he’d draw the judgment of the world to himself. Isn’t that wonderful, Jesus took the judgment of the world and imparted his righteousness to them that believe. There is therefore no condemnation, no punishment to them who are in Christ. Religious folks would quote the scripture that says a sinner wouldn’t go unpunished, that was in the Old Testament, and Jesus hasn’t died then, but under the New Testament Jesus took our punishment once and for all. Halleluiah!!!

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Tobi Abe


  1. God bless u,thanks this is a nice one simple and accurate

  2. honestly i am learning so much may the lord increase you in knowledge and understanding of his word.
