You asked me to teach you about purpose. Fine I will. This
is a note from my heart. I didn’t extract this any of the purpose books around
to write this to you. Rather I sat down to prayerfully think through and
construct this before I sent it to you because I know that you are someone
special and you deserve the best. I may not be able to give you all the money
you need now, or be the shoulder you need to cry on, but I hope that this note
which is a gift that is coming from my heart would be
received with gladness as
no gift from the heart is ever to small. And I pray that through this, you may
understand what purpose is and how to find your own purpose and assignment on
the earth.
BEWARE: THE NOTE IS VERY LONG (but like they said if you
want to hide something from an African, put it in a book. So show that you are not from
Africa but from Zion, by reading)
1 pet 1:9 is the answer and no 1 key to your reason for
being. And it is found in one line; “that you should show forth his praises.” This
simply means that you were made to show forth his praises. And I would not be
wrong to substitute the word glory for praises. What is glory? In John 2:11,
the bible says these miracles did Jesus and manifested forth his glory. Glory
is a work which when it is done, men would acknowledge that such a work couldn’t
have been done except Oluwa(God) was involved. With this understanding, you
stop making such statements like “lord let me not take your glory.” This
statement is made as a result of peoples’ inability to understand simple
scripture. The reason I say this is an erroneous statement is because you can’t
even take his glory. Ok. Tell me, how do you want to take his glory? You also
stop singing songs like “you will never share your glory with any man.”
First of all, if this were true, it would mean that you are
reducing God from no 1 on the hierarchy of love i.e. agape (love that gives all)
to no 2 on the love hierarchy i.e. philio (love that shares).
Secondly, God didn’t share his glory with us but rather made
us his glory as clearly seen in the prayer of Jesus in Jn 17:22. We are his
glory. So it is an error to say that when a man acknowledges another man, (most
likely a preacher that brought the word of God to him that changed his life) such
a man is taking Gods glory. No. No. No. A thousand times no. What he is
acknowledging is the God in the man. You see we have graduated from Jehovah
shammah (the last revelation of the name of God in the old testament which means
‘the lord is present’) to Emmanuel (God with us). It would have been ok if we
were still in Emmanuel but after Jesus returned to heaven and sent the Holy
Ghost here, we graduated from ‘God with us’ to ‘God in us’. So the Emmanuel prophecy
isn’t for the Christian who has received Zoe (the life and nature of God), but
rather it was for Israel. This your purpose. To be Gods tabernacle/representative/ambassador
on the earth.
Now in your purpose, there is an assignment and that is what
differs in everyone. If we see Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal having a tennis
match, and instead of them using a racket for hitting the ball, they are using
a frying pan, we would all acknowledge the fact that wisdom is far from them
both. Because even though the pan would hit the ball, it wasn’t invented for
that assignment.
How then can you find your assignment having discovered your
purpose. Its very simple. Everything created solves a problem. My mouth solves
the problem of dumbness. My eyes solve the problem of blindness. A car solves
the problem of transportation, etc. Everything ever created-by God or man, exist
with an assignment wired into it. How do you know the assignment. The bible
says in prov 20:27, that the spirit of man is where God guides you from. So
your assignment is in your spirit. How then do you pull it out of your spirit.
Very simple. Psalm 37:4 and Is 58:14. That is your answer. This does not mean
that whatever you desire God would grant it to you. This actually means that
God will cause you to have a desire, and because that desire is from God, the
desire must come to pass because also whatever is born of God overcomes the
world. As you spend time fellowship with God through his word and prayer (mostly
in tongues, duh), you become acquainted with his voice, because he said my
sheep know my voice and a voice of a stranger shall they not follow. As you do
this, you will know exactly where you should be at what particular time in your
life as well as what you should be doing at that time. I advise that you do
this in a quiet environment. After you have prayed in tongues, keep quiet and
listen, not to a loud voice that echos on the outside but rather to that still,
small but stern voice on the inside.
Sorry for making this long. I couldn’t help it. Thanks for
your patience in reading. God bless ya.