Hmmmm… you love me????......
Wat is love??? Someone said love is a feeling. If love was a feeling,feelings die…..Then ogbeni wat is love???
Love is God.Love is you & me.God has given us his spirit.That is how we are one with him just as he
is one with us.Love is what we posses,love is what we is our lifestyle. Love never fails.let love lead in everything we do.
Is love from God? is it from God? 1st john 4:7-8 says “my dear friend,we must love each comes from God”.We are lovers.This is because of who we are. God is love and anyone who doesn't love others has never known him.God is love, and if we say we are from him,our lives as default should be love or should show love.I cant claim I love you as if I don’t love God or have Christ in me.The problem with people is that they claim to love God without loving their neighbours. To love God is the principal thing here.If we truly love others and live as Christ did in this world,we wont be worried about the day of judgement.A real love for others will chase those worries away.
The thought of being punished is what makes us afraid.It shows that we have not learned to love.God showed his love to us by sending his son to the world to die for us or to give us life.1st john 4:10 says”real love isn’t our love for God but his love for us”.Gods love for us is the right definition of love.Love is the greatest among all gifts, in which love is kind,patient,never jealous,never rude,never proud,love isn’t selfish or quicktempered,doesn't keep record of wrongs,rejoices in the truth,is always supportive,loyal,hopeful and trusting.It never fails.God also gave us a commandment “love God and love each other”.According to 1st john4:20 “but if we say we love God and don’t love each other,we are liars.we cannot see God, so how can we love God,if we don’t love the people we can see”.How can we confess we love God that we cant see with our eyes and don’t love those we can see.the two must Go together.Like the commandment he gave us that we should love him and love others.So brethren,back to the topic “ DO YOU LOVE ME” ….LOL..