
No one is going to hell because of sin

John 16:7-11
7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.8 And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:9 Of sin, because they believe not on me;10 Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;11 Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.(KJV)

These are the very words of Jesus. First of all;introduction,go down low.Jesus introduces the character of the Holy Ghost and His function when He shall come to the earth.He says He(Holy Ghost) shall reprove the world of sin.The first point I want you to note is that He didn’t say “SINS” as of many but “SIN”.So by this statement, He generalises every sin into 1;and that one is called sin.Then He didn’t just leave us in the dark by just saying sin,rather in verse 9,He defined the sin He was talking about;and that is the sin of not believing on the name of Jesus.Understand this my brethren,and sisthren,sin is no longer a barrier between God and man.In fact,let me go beyond the boundary of religion to make a very radical statement;the least reason why Jesus came to die was because of sin.It was not even His main focus when HE hung on that cross and uttered those final words;”it is finished.”Jn 10:10 gives us insight into why the master came.HE said I am come that they might have ‘zoe’ and have it more abundantly.You see, even king james had some difficulty in communicating what the master meant by ‘more abundantly.’KJV gives an idea that you have abundant life,and then more is added to you.But that doesn’t fully express what the master is saying.What Jesus meant here was that we may have and enjoy life to the max.That is why He came.By His resurrection, He ushered in a new class of beings.They are called the new creation.Concerning the issue of Sin,Jesus dealt with it once and for all.The bible says without the shedding of blood,there is no remission of sins.So Every year the high priest had to offer a lamb to cleanse the whole nation from sin.But Jesus was the ultimate lamb that was slain.So he was offered once and He will never again need to be re-offered,as it were. 2 Cor 5:19 says To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.The term ‘not  imputing their trespasses unto them’ simply means God no longer keeps a record of your wrongs.Oh hallelujah.What a liberating thought.To know that God doesn’t record my sin against me.Now mind you,in Christianity, there is such a thing as separating the sinner from His sin.God doesn’t love sin,but He sure does love the sinner.And because of what Christ has done,God has forgiven you of sins past,present and future.Yeah you heard me;I said future.How do I know future?well thats very simple.None of you reading this was alive 2000 years ago when Jesus died.So you better hope He can forgive future sins because you live in the future.Well the truth is,God isn’t surprised at anything you do.He isn’t caught off guard when you sin.He knew you couldn’t help yourself,thats why He sent you a helper.So the sin barrier has been eliminated and no-one is going to hell because of sin.SO why are people going to hell now?Its simply because they have rejected what Christ did for them on calvary.How do I know?Number 1,read your bible,its there,its even typed in red.Number 2,carefully examine the accounts of everybody who has had a divine visitation of hell and you will notice a consistency in their accounts.So my brethren,fear not.No sin is taking you to hell.I think another problem I have observed is that people are still yet to come to the fact that ‘every mistake is not a sin’.So I know you have made mistakes,I know you have your short-comings.Im aware of the skeleton in your cup-board.But don’t let it keep you away from the Fathers love.when you make a mistake,run back to Him speedily.Scripture says,though a righteous man falleth seven times,yet again shall he rise.What?Can you imagine that.A righteous man is falling.How is it possible?Its simple.Because there is a great line dividing righteousness,right living and sinlessness.This of course would be discussed in another article.
Thanks for reading.I hope you were blessed.Please feel free to send your comments and ask your questions.Critics are also very welcome.Have a wonderful day.