
4 keys to staying full of God 1

A young lady said to an itinerant preacher, after he had just initiated the revival fire in her local assembly, Sir, i know that this thing we are doing now won’t last. She said I know that after you are gone, maybe 2 or 3 weeks later, I will be back to where I was before.
I personally have observed that this is the status-quo among Christians. They experience a touch from God, they have all these external manifestations of an inward impartation which is often times expressed with “ shaking's” as it were. But after a while, they tend to lose the fire that was ignited. What happened? I have often wondered what happened and how to maintain the fire. And the Holy Ghost shared some thoughts with me which I would love to share and for the purpose of reducing ambiguity, complexity and boredom in reading, I have decided to break it down into 2 articles.
The key to maintaining the fire is simply by “STAYING FULL OF GOD”. What does it mean to be full of God? In Eph 3 vs. 19 he says ...that we might be filled with all the fullness of God .The word fullness is translated from the Greek pleroma which means the maximum load with all its contents in its completeness. It depicts a picture of a sailor who is going on a long journey and everything he requires to be on board for the trip, is available. BTW why is it necessary to be full of God? Well it’s quite simple. When you are full of God as verse 19 says, then verse 20 can be fulfilled in your life. Verse 20 says “God is able to do something that exceeds abundance in our lives according to the power that works in us”. That power is activated when we are full of God .I want to share 4 keys to staying full of God. Are you ready?