
Worry less, Warri More.

Hi, I am Sammie by name and this is my first article since the inception of KTMI now GAMI. My goal is clear and simple shoot the arrow of right words that it may go through your ears the channel and pierce through your heart. Enough of the story, my title is funny though but it’s the truth, so many of us worry so much that at the age of nineteen(19) a young chap is already in the hospital for HBP. Sad, even the bible says we should be careful for nothing. I mean, like Jesus asked, how many of you by his or her thought has added one cubit to his or her height. Now that’s stunning, there are so many reasons to worry, I would tell you money for one is a reason, how you look(appearance), that babe you have been tripping for, that latest gadget you want to buy, that your friend you want to measure up to, or that opposition you are always trying to outdo. So many and more reasons to worry in a world that is moving at a very fast pace. God has made it so clear that he has provided everything for us; blessing us with all spiritual blessings, why then should I worry.
             Enough story now to WARRI (THE GOOD SIDE), this is a place in a state in the country of Nigeria called Delta. They might not have the best of governance, or environment or even history but they are people whose characters have always made a way for them. I am going to be highlighting three (3) of this characters which are totally against WORRY. I would have to stop here today, look out for the concluding story on this great people and find out what GOD wants you to learn through this people till then know GOD is just a talk away from you... IT’S YA BOY….. SAMMIE…