
The power of the tongue 2

James 3:3  Indeed, we put bits in horses' mouths that they may obey us, and we turn their whole body.
A horse has a huge amount of strength stored up in its body. It is one of the only animals ever known to man to be used as an aide in battle because of its inherent ability to fear almost nothing. 
But the horse has an Achilles heel as it were ; a weak point. Its mouth. No matter how wild the horse is, if you can control the direction of its mouth, it becomes very powerless and has no option than to obey you. If you want it to go left, you turn the head, with the bit in its mouth towards the left direction. If you want it to stop, just face the head upwards and the horse will stop, because the horse can only move where its mouth is facing.
Same thing with our lives. Where your mouth goes, your life goes. You are what you are today as a result of the things you said yesterday. So if you are in a place where you don’t want to be today, you can speak yourself out of that place into the glorious future that the Lord has for you.
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