
The Ministry of the HolySpirit

 Nothing you do will be acceptable to God or make lasting impact expect you do it by the Spirit. No matter your purpose in life, without the inspiration of the Spirit, you cannot achieve much.
The Bible reveals in
Hebrews 9:14 that Christ had to offer Himself up through the Spirit. During His earthly ministry, He couldn’t do anything except with the Spirit and through the Spirit.
Jesus instructed His disciples in
Luke 24:29, to wait in Jerusalem until they were filled with the Holy Spirit, because He knew they needed divine empowerment to accomplish the task He had given them. He referred to the Holy Spirit in John 14:10, as the one that works through Him to perform miracles. He said “…the Father that dwells in me He does the works.” In the same way, the miracles, signs and wonders recorded in our ministry, and the tremendous impact we make all around the world are in no way by human efforts. They are works of the Spirit of God; we have learned to work by the Spirit and through the Spirit. And that’s how your life ought to be as a Christian.
You have to be filled continually with the Spirit in order to be consistent in your walk of faith, and demonstrate the miraculous.
The Apostle Paul wrote to the saints in Rome saying,
“never lag in zeal and in earnest endeavor; be aglow and burning in the spirit, serving the Lord” (Romans12:10-11). He also told the Church in Ephesus to be filled with the Spirit.
Make up your mind to do everything by the power of the Holy Spirit, and not by your human ability. That way, not only will your service to the Lord be acceptable and sanctified by Him, you’ll also make more enduring impact with the Gospel.

1 comment:

  1. I do all that I do by the Holy Ghost. It is by the spirit that I rule and make gains. All that I do I do through the Holy Ghost, this is my declaration and my experience in Jesus name, amen
