The bible says let us labour to enter into His rest.The question I have often asked is that how do you struggle to get something that you already have.Well the answer is simple.Its in the bible.The Bible says in romans 12:2 that we should renew our minds.So this is it,In your spirit,you have perfect peace there.But you dont know.So the word of God comes to your mind to inform you of the peace that is in your spirit.So having renewed your mind with the word of God,you now begin to understand that when you are in a situation that paints a picture of gloom and doom,the word of God that yoyu have stored inside will immediately rise to the surface and you will know that you are supposed to be at rest.That is perfect peace of mind.Peace that only Christ can grant.As we call it'peace that surpasses all human understanding.So in the midst of turmoil, adversity, agitation, tumult, commotion etc,you are at rest.It has been given to you,but you have to use it,if not it wont work.Its all in the mind.As Joyce Meyer rightly put it, "The battlefield of the mind."The mind is the battlefield.Stop praying and asking God to change the situation.You have been praying since and nothing has changed.In fact your prayers are now full of complaints.You have even begun to develop worry wrinkles.All the joy that used to be in your life is no more.because of one seemingly unchangeable problem.Well Im sorry to dissapoint you but whatever it is you think you are going through,FYI,there are countless millions who have gone through it and are still very much alive.Some giving me that sorry face and expect me to show you sympathy or pity.Dont think Im gonna agree with you that you deserve the nomination to receive the award for "the person who has been through the most in 2012".Well I cant agree with you or we will both be wrong.You are not about to experience a change,because you are talking to God about how big the mountain is instead of talking to the mountain about how big God is.Stop praying.Just praise God and move on with your life.The bible didnt say praise God "for" the problem because HE supposedly caused it even though thats not true.The bible said praise Him "in" the situation.Stop worrying.You,yes I mean you,look at your own life.Consider all the things you have worried about from the time of your existence till now.How many of them changed when you worried.If you are honest,you will agree with me that none have changed.So why are you worrying.FYI worrying is a sin.So rest in the love and ability of A God who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all we can ask or think according to the power in us.Just talk to the situation and command it to change.After that dont worry,be happy.Live your life as though that thing doesnt exist.Do all I have told you through the spirit and If it doesnt change,dont read my blog again.
ps before you stop reading,contact me first and let me know it didnt work;if u dare!!!!!!ha ha ha ha ha