

No man could be born again during His time on earth nor was it possible for any man to be born again before His time.So we need to understand the significance of His ressurrection.It would have been good if He had just died.That would have been enough.It would have been sufficient if He had remained in the grave because through His death He had forever taken care of the problem of sin so much so that the bible says no-one is going to hell again because of a single sin he committed.So why then are people going to hell.That will be discussed further in another post.So with His ressurection, He ushered in a new testament.By the ushering in of the new testament,He totally abolished the old one.Why did He abolish it?That will be discussed in another blog.Now in the new testament,one of the things Jesus brought in,was the SABBATH OF GOD.The old testament was only a type and a shadow of the real thing.Jesus brought in that real the Old testament the sabbath was limited to being a day.In the new testament,the sabbath isnt a day but a dispensation.What is a dispensation?It is defined as a general state or ordering of things ; specifically a system of revealed commands and promises regulating human affairs.We are now operating in the sabbath of God.What is this sabbath?This is a topic for another day.Im just joking.Here it is.
The sabbath of God is a dispensation of rest in which a total tranquility of mind is received.Let me point to the fact that the day you received the Holy Ghost,you received all of Gods best.I guess you are wondering so why am I not seeing and enjoying it?well thats because you havent learnt to open the package that was received and enjoy the content.That is why God sent us to you;to teach you how to enjoy that which is in you.So the sabbath of God means the rest of God.The bible says God will keep Him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him because He trusteth in Him.Perfect peace Here is Hebrew which is shalom shalom.SHalom shalom means peace with prosperity.I know now you are wondering how is it possible to live in peace in todays world where the hustle and bustle of society is the order of the day.Where we have to keep up with that roommate who wouldnt just stop making loud noises at night when all of nature goes to rest,or with that course that has been carried over 3 times and is threatning to cause you an extra year in school,or with that son who wouldnt just for once come home without a bruise on his chin,or with that husband who would always come home from work late with the stench of alcohol all over Him and the stain of red lipstick on his shoulder.The list just continues.So how do I live in peace in such a world.well,the answer is in the next post?smile and lol