
Participators In the Divine Life.

When you got born again, you received the life and nature of God into your Spirit (1 John 5:11-13). This immediately separated you from the rest of the world and positioned you in a different class; you became an active participator in the divine experience. To participate in the divine experience is to take part in and be involved in the divine life. It means you also live the quality of life God lives. This dies not happen when you get to heaven, but here on earth. More so, every day of your life ought to be supernatural, where you impose the principles of God’s kingdom to the affairs of this life.
The apostle Paul actively participated in the divine nature. On one occasion, a poisonous snake fastened itself on his hand, but he was not perturbed for he recognized that he was a partaker of the divine life. The Bible says, “…and he shook off the beast into the fire and felt no harm” (Acts 28:5).
Those who saw what happened watched him for a while thinking he will swell up and suddenly drop dead. When they saw that nothing happened to him, they began to say amongst themselves; “this man is a god”.
I say to you today, that you are more than a mere human being. If you want to be removed from the suffering, sickness, poverty and pain of this life, you must fill your heart with God’s Word and begin today to participate in the life, which you have received from the Lord, living in the high realms of glory where you have daily experiences of divinity

1 comment:

  1. Excelent contribution Sir on the nature of who we are in God. Am stirred up in my spirit. If we would just decide to suplant ouslves and be grafted into this reality we would be transformed everyday.thank you lord I am an associate of the God kind. I particpate with divinity and full of God in every way.
