
The efficacy of the word

Ps 121:3-4
3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
I heard a story of an old Irish woman. During the war, whenever there was an air attack on the village, the defending soldiers would sound the alarm and everyone would take shelter in the underground bunkers which were created to protect the villagers from the air bomb strikes  of the enemy jets. But on this day, she said she wasn’t going to squeeze herself in that dirty smelly stuffy bunker. And she insisted that she would sleep in her house. Well the villagers tried to persuade her but she was reluctant. Then finally she walked into her house and shut the door. Well that night, the enemy missiles rained like hailstorm and everyone in the bunker feared for the life of the old woman. When they all came out in the morning, they were all shocked by what they saw. Everyones house exploded, except one house; The house of the old woman. When they asked her what gave her confidence to stay, she said “I read my bible and I saw that God doesn’t slumber. So I figured there was no use both of us staying awake.” And get what, that was the last day of the war. And only one woman had her house. Hallelujah.
So friends, the word of God is dependable. You can bet your life on it.
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