
Your past no longer exists

 I was talking with a certain girl, and she was sharing her experiences “the bad n the ugly” and I told her, that when she got born again, her past didn't exist!!! She was like wow! and she asked a funny question. She said “is that possible?” and am like it’s clearly stated in the bible. Lemme explain to y’all.
2Co 5:17 says Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (NKJV).
The Contemporary English Version explains it better “Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person. The past is forgotten, and everything is new.”
What a scripture! As Christians when we got born-again, God doesn't have record of our past sins. Isaiah 43:25 But I wipe away your sins because of who I am. And so, I will forget the wrongs you have done. So many Christians still live in the consciousness of their sins, which Jesus paid for, you’ll hear something like “My past is hunting me”, *you too hunt your past*. Some Christians believes when you get born again, you’d still pay for your sins, that’s a lie. The devil uses this to torment believers, who doesn't know their right in Christ, uses it to rob them of their blessings. He makes them feel unworthy before God. No, you are worthy, child of God. Whenever the devil brings a picture of your past, just laugh and say “Am a new man in Christ, JESUS HAS PAID FOR MY sins.” Oh Glory to God!!!

David Inioluwa 


  1. please what is the name of the person who wrote this article, i juat need to know
