

Hello everybody!!my name is Rejoice Aikohi. I have been thinking about what to write to you for weeks,but i didn't come up with anything...i came up with a couple of topics but i couldn't rili write anything on them...i was almost angry with myself because on a normal day i dn't even need to think about what to write,it just,one day i sat down and asked the Holy Spirit what was wrong and He said He wanted to be a part of it,He said if i actually wanted to minister to people,He'll have to be a part of it,and that was it!i realised that although i ddn't know it at the time,i was leaving Him i apologised and asked Him to take charge and use me to minister to the people.
        so here i am now,writing to you on something that i've learnt;ALWAYS be led by the spirit of is very important!we can not do anything without the help of the Holy Spirit.He wants to be a part of everything we do.i was reading a book(the Holy Spirit,my senior partner)by pst Yunggi Cho..and He was talking about  his relationship with the Holy Spirit,how he talks to the Holy Spirit every morning and night and before he goes to preach,he says Holy Spirit,You are on!i was so amazed at how much he engages the Spirit of God ,he has a special chair in His church 4 d Holy Spirit.its not a surprise that he has one of the biggest churches in the world!
     In mark 1:12,we are told that the spirit of God led Jesus into the wilderness to fast for 40days and,Jesus was led by the spirit of God and if Jesus is our perfect example then it means that we should all be led by the spirit of God.He helps us,encourages us,directs us,lets us know wat to do at different times and He is the solution to our problems.He doesn't judge us,doesn't condemn us,doesn't need an explanation for our actions.He prepares us for our glorious destinies,He is the voice of God and we shud learn to yield to Him.He always speaks,all we need to do is actually listen to Him and yield to Him and He listens to us a can tell Him about anytin.let us all learn to involve the Holy Spirit in all we do...God bless you!


  1. We thank God for youngsters like you who want to make a change. I was blessed by your ministration.

  2. I pray o
    I am not as fluent as I used to be
    I am going to make an effort to spend more time with God.

  3. you are really doing a great job,God will release upon u d grace dat makes great for continuous,effective and optimal result.
