
God is not mysterious, because I think like God

Isa 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
The problem with many people is that they don’t read their bibles. Even for those who read their bibles, they don’t take their time to understand the scripture in the right context. Hence they go about with wrong, erroneous and misleading doctrines thereby leading to wrong interpretations. One of those erroneous doctrines I want to counter is the one that says GOD WORKS IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS. That is not true. Lets start with English ,The dictionary defines mystery as Something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained. Is this a description of God. I doubt. God isn’t mysterious because He has given us His word to reveal His character and deepest thoughts to us. Thats why He said we should renew our mind with His word. Duh .Because our natural mind still tends to deviate from the prescribed order of thoughts as dictated for us in phil 4 vs 8. If at all anyone is mysterious, it will have to be the devil. Secondly lets read the context of the scripture. In verse 7a of this same chapter the bible says “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts:”  Thats your answer right there .In the context who is he talking about? the wicked and unrighteous. In modern terms, we refer to such a person as the sinner. So the bible never says Gods ways are higher than our ways even though we wont be incorrect to say that the thinking faculties of our natural mind cant measure up with the thoughts of divinity, but mind you, Im writing to the new creation man. And what does God say concerning such a person? He says,1 cor 2:16b We have the mind of Christ. So my brethren, and sesthren, mr moderator, panel of Judges, accurate time keeper, my co-debaters and the audience, I hope with this few points of mine,I have been able to prove to you that mothers are better than fathers. LOL. And Im a guy writing this article. Can you imagine. Just joking. Anyway I hope you are convinced that God isn’t mysterious because your thoughts are supposed to be His thoughts.
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